Project Number:

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  • pt2
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  • en
  • gr
  • pt2
  • polish
  • lt

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Exploring key competencies…

The project partners are moving ahead with ''From theory to action – ActYouth EU'' project! For the last couple of months, we have been working intensely to bring together a variety of data to paint a picture of the current state of:

  • key literature on entrepreneurship and employability of high school graduates
  • available training programs and support services on entrepreneurial competencies and attitudes
  • demand for competencies in job offers for students / graduates

The literature review and market analysis conducted in all partner countries i.e. Portugal, Cyprus, Poland and Lithuania, allowed to create the Competence Profile with core entrepreneurial competencies for students/ graduates entering the labour market. The set encompasses both personal and generic competencies key for young people getting their first job, having no or little job experience, or setting up own company.

For further project development, the Competence Profile would be a point of reference for determining core entrepreneurial competencies from employers’ and students / graduates’ point of view and competencies gaps in the field work to develop project tools – online simulation game, ICT tool for competence assessment, formulate the right entrepreneurship education and training programs and effectively manage talents.

The Literature Review and Desk Research Report is available now in the „downloads” section. The report was elaborated by the project partner, University of Aveiro from Portugal and aims at understanding what competencies are the most important, both for students / graduates and employees, as well as how to develop such education and training programs.

Please feel free to read the above mentioned report for more info on the subject!

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission under the Erasmus+ Programme. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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